English, עברית
Early Years
The product of an exhaustive, years-long, worldwide research project, Early Years tells the riveting story of the early life of the man who, as much as anyone else, set the course of Jewish history in the twentieth century.

English, עברית, New! Russian
My Story
This collection features family photos, documents, and stunning portraits of the Rebbe, all printed on beautiful glossy paper across over 400 full-color pages. Many stories are published here for the first time

English, עברית
Seeds of Wisdom
Culled From JEM's acclaimed My Encounter with the Rebbe interviews, Seeds of Wisdom is a heartwarming collection of short stories and encounters between the Lubavitcher Rebbe and people who sought his counsel on a wide array of life's questions and challenges

English, עברית
Tishrei in Lubavitch
“Tishrei in Lubavitch” walks the reader through a Tishrei with the Rebbe through over 200 masterfully curated photos, accompanied by insightful captions and commentaries.